All molecules metasticize,
elide and slide so why
not passions or the words
that try to hold them like
the one bashert she breathed,
bashert which means "I am
the one you've waited for"
but just a shake and the letters
make the bars this ending
holds you in or if you're feeling
self-indulgent twist into her stab
which, you must admit, was clarity
you didn't want to hear, not when
your rash bet that this contraption
could soar so high so soon crashed
fast and passed into conviction
that sans another all you'll be
is trash the waves will wash away
the waves the waves the universe moves
in waves you wave all wave she waves
you wave farewell farewell farewell
as all your particles come to rest
like wave-tossed bathers often do
upon the sand that serves as berth
while all the molecules that make
the universe make love make you
make her make bashert make
breaths for now just breaths
for now for now for now just