
Good Things, Bad Things

Sometimes a good thing 
goes bad and sometimes 
a good-thing-gone-bad 
goes good and sometimes 
a good-thing-gone-bad-gone-good 
goes bad again. Of course, 
you are human, so you spin. 
You spin so fast, in fact, 
you may at times spin out into space.
And then you're kinda screwed,
or maybe you're unscrewed. Who knows?
Who knows where you'll come down 
or if you'll come down or ultimately, 
what it even is to come down.
You spin spin spin, then 
you slow slow slow till 
you're just an astronaut adrift,
floating way out there 
with nothing left to hold.
Nothing. Nothing. No thing.
No good thing gone bad.
No good. No bad. Just the 
same old now there ever was,
which now you see.