
Some Uttered Things Unjinx

Some uttered things unjinx
if given sufficient audacity. 
The child gets home safe. 
Your brother sobers up. 
Love stays. Or, a day 
you say will be amazing is 
because you note each 
mote of it: the scent 
of honeysuckle; the music 
of traffic dancing beachward;
the taste of tortilla-chip dust 
on your fingertips. You say
the world will be remarkable
and your presence makes it so.



I believe that in your last lucid moments
time shed its partitions and you felt
Mother's fingertips, beginning where yours
left off, more intensely and immediately
than you'd felt anything since that last
moment before you were born and learned
there was anything except at-one-ment.



This will always be
the year we found grace,
or rather, grace
found us -- sneaking up
on all fours, howling
deep down the catacombs
of the early morning,
giggling toward us
on Charlie Chaplin legs,
bloodying fresh teeth
on the bathroom tile,
shoving our faces away
with soft arms, cozying
into our shoulders,
our bellies, and into muscles
and bones so far
that without it we nursed
a physical ache.

This grace pokes
fierce fingers into our mouths,
rattles the lids of jelly jars,
lets chocolate melt
in its fist, eats the leaves
of houseplants, splashes water,
rubs its wet belly, pees
on the floor, and is so happy
to see us it tries to turn itself
inside out. It bids us love
one another with abandon
through the ordinary divinity
of every day.


The 6-Year-Old Insists You Invent Something

Dad, can you give me a rocket push?
I don't know what a rocket push is
but I feel if I don't create it now
something necessary will be lost.
So I invent one (I can't tell you 
how, you have to make your own) 
and it flings us both upward
out past all this gravity.




Why People Plummet

The terminal
of the body
tops pain's
which is why
people plummet.
Severed by speed
from thought
they finally fall
out of time
(it's just like
and into